First Online Camp Meeting in Mongolia

 The Mongolia Mission (MM) successfully completed their first online camp meeting October 15-17, 2021, with the theme of I Will Go. Usually, MM holds its annual nationwide camp meeting during the summer. Many of the Adventist members in Mongolia have fond memories of this annual summer camp meeting, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the camp meeting could not be organized last year. Besides a camp meeting, in-person gatherings were restricted. Since the coronavirus became a pandemic, most of the churches in Mongolia have been closed, which has led to an estrangement with God. During those challenging times, the faith of many of the members weakened, especially those whose foundation is weak. Therefore, MM decided to hold their annual camp meeting online for the first time in its history. 


Mongolia Mission invited five Mongolian speakers from five different countries in which they have worked as a missionary or have studied; Pastor Namjildorj from the United States; Enkhmandakh from Russia; Batzul from the Philippines; Pastor Tsolmonbayar from Korea; and Bolormaa from Australia. And five special testimonies were shared during the main program to encourage church members to rekindle their faith in God. 
Every morning and evening, participants divided into groups and gathered in a prayer room prepared through the Zoom teleconferencing platform. Also, various activities were brought to participants using Zoom, Facebook livestreaming and Facebook group chats. Seminars centered on women, family, health, children, media, and Sabbath School ministries. Other programs, such as a talk show, a movie, kids’ time, and exercise, made the camp meeting enjoyable. All of these programs served as a time of revival for Mongolian Adventists as well as a time of excitement for new members. Above all, everything in the meeting was designed to focus on the I Will Go strategic plan of the Adventist world church for this quinquennium. I am sure that during this time many of us made a personal decision to follow Jesus and participate in the I Will Go project.  

We thank God that we were able to reach about 2,000 camp participants—a large number for MM. We believe social platforms are part of the technological advantages to be used in the last days to reach more souls. This meeting also left lessons for MM’s upcoming online evangelism event that will happen soon. 

I kindly ask you to keep MM in your prayers. We’re also praying for each of you around the world. Let us be united in God and connected in unity with the Holy Spirit and continue our spiritual life for every kind of situation. I would like to encourage each of you to keep your eyes on Jesus so that we can gather in heaven after the Second Coming of Jesus. Can you imagine how our camp meeting will be in heaven?

Sansartsetseg Altantuul, MM Media Missionary 

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