2016 Constituency Meeting and Annual Council in MM

800_7710-1In the Bible, God provided us with many verses where we can discover His character; like in 1 Corinthians 13:44 where we see God is not a God of disorder. This is one way how to know much emphasis should always be given on good structural organization of institutions. The Seventh-day Adventist church in Mongolia follows His principles in establishing good leadership model for enhancing the spreading of his word and His love.

For this reason, the Annual Council was held at Ulaanbaatar Central Church on the 10th and 11th of November, 2016. The purpose was to vote on new department directors to be responsible for positions held at the Mongolia Mission (MM) headquarters.

Besides the MM main administrators president Kim Yo Han, executive secretary Bold Batsukh, and treasurer Jorge Silva, 5 officers from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) were present. These are:

  • President: Lee, Jairyong
  • Secretary: Yutaka, Inada
  • Treasurer: Lust, German
  • Assistant Treasurer: Hyung Jin Choi
  • Health Ministry: Joungil Choi

800_7868Along with other members of the Mongolian Mission Executive committee, ministerial ordained pastors, and bible workers there were around 50 delegates from all the 31Mongolian Adventist churches present at the council.


After the present department directors presented their work in the past 3 years, the delegates choose their future leaders. Here is the list of the chosen ones who will be working in the following next 3 years.


Үйлчлэлийн хэлтэс: Ким Ио Хан, Дарханбаатар

Ministerial Department: Kim Yo Han, Darkhanbaatar (assistant director)

Баярын мэдээ, Сүм үүсгэх: Намжилдорж

Adventist Mission, Global Mission: Namjildorj Mandakh

Боловсрол: Болд

Education: Bold Batsukh

Хэвлэлийн хэлтэс: Адьяахүү, Пүрэвдулам

Publishing: Adiyakhuu, Purevdulam (assistant director, LE. coordinator)

Эрүүл мэндийн хэлтэс: Энхбаяр

Health: Enkhbayar

Залуучууд, Хүүхдийн хэлтэс: Мөнхоргил

Youth: Munkh-Orgil

Шаббат хичээл, хувийн үйлчлэл: Нямсүрэн

Sabbath School, Personal Ministries: Nyamsuren

Эмэгтэйчүүд: Оюунтуяа

Women: Oyuntuya

Харилцаа холбоо: Юри Грамачо

Communication: Yure Gramacho

Пасторын эхнэрүүдийн үйлчлэл: Хатагтай Ким

Shepherdness: Mrs. Kim

Гэр бүлийн үйлчлэл: Дарханбаатар

Family: Darkhanbaatar

Шашны эрх чөлөө: Болд

Religious Freedom: Bold Batsukh

Няравын үйлчлэл: Жорж Силва

Stewardship: Jorge Silva


A message from president of the Mongolian Mission, Kim Yo Han to all newly selected individuals:


Dear department directors.

You have been chosen to represent all church members and pastors of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Mongolia. By this, your main focus should be to be the best example for all Adventist, Christians and other Non-Christians through your words, actions, and your whole behavior to represent God’s character. Remember God’s council:

The greatest among you will be your servant (Mathew 23:11)

When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.“ (Luke 12:48 )

Do not be proud but associate with the humble (Romans 12, 16)

God is clear that the greatest of you will serve others and be humble in his actions. You now bear even greater responsibility; you are in greater danger than others- therefore be wise and look for God’s guidance. We all should emphasize the importance of local church members and their involvement in the spreading of God’s word, they are in the center point of our work, empowering them, teaching, and training them, providing them with experience should be on your priority list. May God bless you with the spirit of self-sacrifice in this area.

As a leader of MM, I will also do my best through the power of the Holy Spirit to be a good example and support you as department directors as well as the local church pastors and church members.

800_8036After the official program on the 11th of November, ordination of 2 local church pastors took place.


Immanuel Church Pastor Adiyakhuu OKTYABRI and Darkhan Church Pastor: Darkhanbaatar BATGEREL with their families have shown to be God’s faithful servants and were accepted in the ordained ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist church. The ordination ceremony was officiated by Dr. Ron E. M. Clauzet, the NSD Ministerial Association Secretary.


800_7926Along with some beautiful music points, display of the pastor’s life history, the laying of the hands followed. Both pastors expressed their gratitude to God and His guidance in their lives, thus the annual council and ordination event were completed.

By Katja Kotnik, MM volunteer




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