A wonderful adventure awaits the field school churches this March. On Friday, March 2, will be the first night of the Stories of Hope series. The evangelistic reaping meetings will last until March 24. The meetings will be broadcast live online to each field school church from the UB Central Church. See the sidebar for the nightly schedule. These reaping meetings will cover 24 fascinating Bible topics. The meetings will be held every night at 18:00, except Mondays and Thursdays, and every Sabbath mornings at 10:00 and 11:30 (two different presentations), except for March 3, where only one presentation will be made at 11:30. At the end of every evening meeting there will be a drawing. Those attendees who turned in a response card are eligible to participate in the drawing for prizes and books. There will also be extended Question & Answer sessions from 17:00 to 17:30 every Sunday, Tuesday, and Saturday Attendees will be encouraged to write their questions on the back of their response cards. Plan to come to as many meetings as possible, and make sure you invite your friends and family to come with you. If you come for the first few nights, you will want to come for the rest of the series. You never heard a series like this before!